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The Full-Site Audit that Exponentially Increases your Revenue

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

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When you use site audit software to run your site through, you can get specific recommendations and test how your page is performing. Assessing the content and technical aspects of your website will improve your strategies and create opportunities to exceedingly improve the traffic and conversions your website generates. So prepare to mute your purchase notifications, we have the top metrics of a full site audit to automate, which will help bring in the revenue and cha-ching tone.


Website audits evaluate a site for its content, and technical performance, and inspect the robustness of your website's technical framework and infrastructure. It will also evaluate how friendly your website is to search engines and determine how easy it is for users to navigate your website to find the content in they are looking for.



When conducting a website audit, SEO opportunities will be foreseen giving you the upper hand in optimizing to remedy any misguided keyword stuffing, and exact match anchor text links, and with the help of content, opportunities are limitless.

Your SEO strategy will succeed when you learn to put your users first and search engines second.


Website audits also enable you to re-focus to an effective evaluation and strategy in terms of lead generation and conversion. Your team will be able to foresee the opportunities that you have been missing that can convert spectators into leads with the right CTA's. You will see a boost in your conversion rate because any discrepancies on your landing pages will be clear and optimizable.

conversion rate optimization


Conducting a website audit gives you the opportunity to analyze and compare you're ranking against competitors. Taking action with the information through your website optimization strategy determines potential new sources of revenue.

You can utilize our SEO Services (link to service page), to perform an audit on your competitor's websites and your own. You can learn how your competitors are attracting visitors and see how they're garnering conversions. Be one step ahead of your competition, attract more traffic to your site, increase conversions, get recommended first by search engines, and more importantly become your market too competitor.

Compititive Analysis


A website audit finds issues that are getting in the way of your SEO best-ranking position and conversion prosperity. These issues can range from broken links, hidden content, and long page load speed times. Identifying any standstills will help you amend problems that are deflecting traffic.

Now you are on your way to being a kick-ass website that makes revenue online. Take it from the team who have helped e-commerce brands generate over a quarter billion dollars in revenue worldwide during 2022. This is our secret sauce.

Get a free website audit and roadmap to improve the website's efficiency and visibility in the search engines with Altered State Productions SEO Solutions.


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