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Video Production

At Altered State Production, we offer a wide range of video production services, including testimonials, infomercials, product showcase, commercials, music videos, green screens, and b-roll footage. Our team of experienced videographers has the skills and expertise to produce high-quality videos that effectively communicate your brand's message and capture the attention of your target audience.


Our testimonials videos are designed to showcase the positive experiences and feedback from your satisfied customers, providing social proof and credibility for your brand. Our infomercials and commercials are creative and engaging, promoting your products or services in an effective and compelling way. We also specialize in music videos that creatively showcase your music and brand, capturing the essence of your sound and style.


We also specialize in product showcase videos that can help you effectively promote and showcase your products or services. Our product showcase videos are creative, engaging, and tailored to your specific needs and target audience.


We work closely with you to understand your product's features and benefits and develop a concept that effectively communicates your brand's message and captures the attention of your target audience. We use the latest equipment and technology to produce high-quality videos that showcase your products in the best possible light.


Our product showcase videos can be used on your website, social media channels, or in-store displays, providing a dynamic and compelling way to showcase your products and drive sales. We understand the importance of creating videos that effectively promote your products and engage your customers, which is why we take the time to understand your brand and target audience to create a video that meets your specific needs.


We also specialize in product showcase videos that can help you effectively promote and showcase your products or services. Our product showcase videos are creative, engaging, and tailored to your specific needs and target audience.


Our team will work closely with you to understand your product's features and benefits and develop a concept that effectively communicates your brand's message and captures the attention of your target audience. We use the latest equipment and technology to produce high-quality videos that showcase your products in the best possible light.


Our product showcase videos can be used on your website, social media channels, or in-store displays, providing a dynamic and compelling way to showcase your products and drive sales. We understand the importance of creating videos that effectively promote your products and engage your customers, which is why we take the time to understand your brand and target audience to create a video that meets your specific needs.


** Videographer rates are applicable to nearly all Altered State Production services including events, interviews, training videos, and more.
** Set-up time is billed, but tear-down is not. Billed in 30-minute increments rounding up.
** Full days and half days will take scheduling and crew member priority over hourly jobs

Video Production

  • If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return the product and get a full refund or exchange the product for another one, be it similar or not. You can return a product for up to 14 days from the date you purchased it.  If a budget was approved we cannot return any approved purchases made from budget such as location, talent, etc.  

  • Deliverables will be shipped through email, digital format or cloud based system.  Deliverables will be processed and sent to the client within 30 days of final edit/cut.  

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